What We Do

Economic development(livelihood support and Income generating activities:

Action for Change (ACA) stands alongside the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the fight to eradicate poverty by 2030. Our mission is to empower vulnerable children and families to unlock their full potential, contributing directly to SDG 1: No Poverty.

Here’s how we make a difference:

  • Breaking the Cycle: We help families escape extreme poverty by equipping them with the tools and resources to become self-sufficient. This empowers them to provide for their children with dignity and a brighter future.
  • Food Security and Prosperity: We collaborate with farmers to increase production of nutritious and sustainable food. This strengthens food security for families while generating income, building resilience, and improving access to markets and financial services.
  • Jobs and Thriving Markets: Through partnerships with the private sector, we promote the creation of sustainable employment opportunities and robust market systems. This ensures communities have access to essential goods, services, and jobs, fostering long-term economic growth.
  • Empowering Women: We champion economic advancement for women, providing them with opportunities, resources, and a stronger voice within households and economic activities. By reducing their workload burden and fostering better decision-making, we empower women to lead healthier and more fulfilling lives, ultimately impacting the entire family’s well-being.

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